Campsite assignments

I have our campsite assignments. In order for the boys to near their friends, please respect the following assignments:

Webelos 1s & 2s: Piney Ridge C
Bears: Piney Ridge B
Wolves: Piney Ridge A
Tigers: Knoll

Anyone needing AC power for CPAP will also be at Knoll. Bring a 100′ extension cord.

If you have scouts of different ranks, it’s your choice which site you use.

If your assigned site is full when you arrive, you will have to set up at one of our other sites (Piney Ridge or Knoll).

I will be at Piney Ridge C ( or whichever is the one to the back right) for check-in during the following times:
Friday 6pm – 8pm
Saturday 8am – 10am, after lunch until 2pm.

You need to check in with me during those times. I will have your t-shirts, attendee wrist bands, etc. Don’t check in at Administration or the dining hall. They only do check-in for the Pack representatives.

I will need a printed, signed health form for all attendees (including parents!) and a copy of your insurance card. I will not be collecting the shooting sports permission slips at that time. This is the first year that they’ve required that for BB’s and archery so I need to find out how they are handling those forms.

If you need a packing list, we have one on our website. Hover over Pack Events and click on Parent Son Camporee for that list.

Remember that the opening campfire is at 9am Saturday morning.